Sunday, August 19, 2012

Crabapple Jelly/Syrup and Moving the Picker

Today was a quiet day at home. I attempted to make crabapple jelly from my Grandmother's fruit. I think I ended up with syrup.

Yesterday was a very productive day in mill history. We managed to move the conveyor to the carder, half of the picker, and the batt roller. Harlan, the former owner of the mill, continues to be a big help!

Here's the batt roller that Harlan made situated at the rear of the carder. 

The picker was bolted to the concrete floor. Harlan (former mill owner) is cutting off the bolts.

Here's Dad jacking up the picker so that we can put skids under it.

Still jacking up the picker with Harlan.

Dad and Harlan putting rollers under the skids as we winch the picker toward the trailer. I'm operating the winch (and the camera).

Success! The picker and the batt roller made it home!

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